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Application and Admission

LMU-SMS-Knoxville PA Program


The LMU-SMS-Knoxville PA Program seeks to recruit, matriculate, and graduate highly motivated student applicants whose professional goals are consistent with the mission of LMU and the mission and goals of the program. Applications for admission are only accepted through the Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA). Application and admission criteria reflect the academic aptitude, personal attributes, and experiences in healthcare essential for success in the program. The evaluation criteria include the following:

1.      Academic performance
2.      Personal statement submitted to CASPA
3.      Evaluation letters submitted to CASPA
4.      Responses to program-specific questions submitted to CASPA
5.      Performance during the student applicant interview
6.      Behaviors demonstrated throughout all communications with the program and
7.      Healthcare experiences

Application Process

Application for the LMU-SMS-Knoxville PA Program is separate from the LMU-SMS-Harrogate PA Program. The LMU-SMS-Knoxville PA Program follows a rolling admissions cycle. Applications are reviewed after they are received by the program. A CASPA-verified application, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, and a minimum of 24 hours of shadowing a PA, MD, DO, DPM, or NP with direct observation of patient interaction must be submitted before student applicants are considered for a student applicant interview. Student applicants with stronger academic profiles are more likely to be selected for a student applicant interview. Student applicants selected for a student applicant interview are contacted via telephone and/or email to schedule a student applicant interview, which begins in the fall of each year. The Admissions Committee meets after one or more student applicant interview sessions and makes one of three decisions: (1) offer admission, (2) place on the waitlist, or (3) decline the offer of admission. Student applicants are notified of the Admissions Committee’s decision in writing as soon as possible following their student applicant interview. Student applicant interviews continue until the maximum class size of 100 is reached. Student applicants benefit from completing their application early in the CASPA cycle.


Admission and Enrollment Requirements

We look forward to working with you in this process. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions.

Contact Information

LMU-SMS Knoxville PA Program
Ph: 865.338.5685
Fax: 423.869.6460

Campus Address: 9737 Cogdill Rd. | Knoxville, TN 37932